Having Had A Spiritual Awakening…

I used to imagine that Spirit was some invisible entity, something mysterious I could not put my finger on. You know, something associated with life but not definable. Is it my relationship with God? My relationship with nature? With others? What exactly is this spirit thing? If I am in a good mood, I might say my spirits are high. Likewise, if I am feeling a little down, I would say my spirits are low. Could this mean that my spiritual condition has to do with feelings?

Spiritual Condition

In recovery circles, you’ll hear, “Your sobriety is based on your spiritual condition.” It might be safe to say, therefore, that if I’m feeling ‘out of sorts’ my sobriety could be at risk. I find this somewhat troubling, considering we are all feeling beings that my quality of sobriety largely stems from my spiritual condition, or what I may be feeling. This does not bode well for the one who suffers from chronic depression or some other mood disorder or mood addiction.

After today’s 12 Step meeting, I came away with a different understanding of the spiritual condition. Spiritual condition is not some magical thing that happens. It is not based on how many prayers I say, or the number of times I go to church, or the number of meetings I attend; although all of those can help. My spiritual condition is a function of the choices I make.

Similar to the choice of putting drugs or alcohol into my system, I can also choose my spiritual condition. There are many hardships in my life that I cannot control, yet, I choose to believe that I am not a victim. I have found that what I can control is my response. How I choose to respond is what makes all the difference in determining my spiritual condition.

Choosing How to Respond

Life happens…it is my choice how I respond to it. I can choose to make a shift. I can choose my spiritual condition. How? One way I have found helpful is to learn to acknowledge what I am feeling at any given moment. By being in touch with what I am feeling on the inside, I can better monitor what I need spiritually. I have found my feelings inform me of my spiritual needs.

Let’s say that I’ve just been hurt by someone close to me. They have made a critical comment or have harmed me in some other fashion. I may choose to laugh it off or dismiss it as nothing, when, in fact, I was angry and hurt. Ignoring or not being aware of my feelings can fester into resentment. As I collect enough resentments, I might recognize that I was ‘out of sorts’ and in danger of contaminating my spiritual condition.

Consider how the same situation could play out differently if I were in touch with my feelings at the moment. I’ve just been hurt. “Ouch!” I can feel the hurt for what it is, address it, and move on. If the hurt is too big, then I can use the tools of recovery to get the spiritual assistance I need. I don’t have to hold onto the hurt and become worn down by carrying it. It is my choice, and through repeated and deliberate practice, I can learn to maintain the vitality of my spiritual condition.

Reach Out

Reach out if you would like to set up a one on one consultation. I would love to coach you in learning how to use consciousness to maintain a vibrant spiritual condition. Email Michael Birch at Michael.birch@cle.us.com or call me at 217-493-6833.